Kia Ora I'm Aylmer Kenny Welcome to Tangaroa Surfboards
My Pepeha
Ko Tainui te waka
Tainui was the name of our Waka (canoe) that my people arrived at Aotearoa NZ (the Land of the Long White Cloud). There were 7 canoes that arrived as part of the Great Migration
Ko Whitireia te maunga
Whitreia is the name of our Mountain, located in Titahi Bay Porirua
Ko Porirua te Moana
Our body of water/ocean
Ko Ngati Toa te Iwi
Ngati Toa is my Tribe
Ko Takapuwahia te marae
Takapuwahia is the name of our Marae
Ko Toaranatira te whare tupuna
Toarangatira is the name of the house of our Ancestors. Whare means house, tupuna means ancestors.